Google Analytics Reporting Dashboards

What is a Google Analytics Reporting Dashboard?

A Google Analytics Reporting Dashboard is a powerful analytical tool that provides a consolidated view of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics related to website or app performance. This tool takes raw data gathered from different sources and turns it into visually appealing and easy-to-understand insights.

Why Use Google Analytics

Reporting Dashboard?

Key characteristics of a Google Analytics Reporting dashboard include:

Centralized Data Overview

Google Analytics Reporting Dashboard provides a centralized location where you can access a comprehensive overview of your website or app performance.

Performance Tracking

Identify successful elements, understand user behavior, and pinpoint areas for improvement to refine your advertising strategies.

Time Efficiency

Save valuable time with automated reporting and quick access to key metrics. Streamline your workflow by focusing on what matters most.


Customize views to highlight key performance indicators and gain insights specific to your unique objectives.

What types of Google Analytics Reporting Dashboard are there?

Google Analytics Reporting Dashboards come in various types, each designed to cater to specific needs and preferences of advertisers.

Here are some common types:

Website Traffic Overview Dashboard:
  • Provides a high-level overview of website traffic metrics, 
  • Offers insights into the overall performance and popularity of the site.
  • Helps to identify peak traffic periods and potential anomalies.
Audience Demographics and Behavior Dashboard:
  • Focuses on understanding the characteristics and behavior of the website's audience.
  • Provides valuable insights for targeted marketing and content creation.
  • Facilitates the customization of strategies to suit specific audience segments.

Acquisition and Channels Performance Dashboard:

  • Emphasizes the sources through which users find and access the website.
  • Helps to assess the effectiveness of marketing channels.
  • Aids in the allocation of marketing resources.

User Behavior and Site Content Dashboard:

  • Focuses on how users interact with the website and the performance of different content elements.
  • Facilitates the enhancement of user experience.

Google Analytics Website Traffic Overview Dashboard

The Google Analytics Website Traffic Overview Dashboard offers a detailed and insightful analysis of the overall performance and user engagement on a website. Here's an elaboration on its key components:

  1. Total Users:
  • Quantifies the total number of unique users who have visited the website within a specified timeframe.
  • Provide a fundamental measure of the website's reach, indicating the size of the audience and potential user base.

2. Sessions:

  • Represent the total number of interactions users have with the website within a specific time period.
  • Helps in assessing the level of user activity and overall engagement, forming a basis for evaluating the site's popularity.

3. Views per Session:

  • Indicate the average number of pages a user views during a single session.
  • Offers insights into the depth of user engagement, helping assess how effectively the website's content encourages users to explore beyond the landing page.


  • The total number of times pages have been viewed.
  • Helps identify the most popular content on the website, allowing for strategic content optimization and user-focused adjustments.

5. Average Session Duration:

  • Calculates the average amount of time users spend on the website during a session.
  • A longer average session duration generally indicates higher user engagement, while a lower duration may prompt investigation into potential issues affecting user experience.

6. Bounce Rate:

  • Measures the percentage of single-page sessions where users leave the site without interacting further.
  • A high bounce rate may suggest issues with content relevance, website navigation, or overall user experience, prompting the need for improvements.

Google Analytics - Audience Demographics and Behavior Dashboard

The Google Analytics Audience Demographics and Behavior Dashboard provides valuable insights into the characteristics and behaviors of the website's audience. Here's an elaboration on each component:

1. Sessions by Country:

  • Categorizes the total number of user sessions based on the geographical location of the users.
  • Users can tailor their content, campaigns, and marketing strategies to specific regions, considering cultural and language preferences.


  • Represent the total number of times specific pages or content elements have been viewed by users.
  • Helps in identifying the popularity of specific content, guiding content creation and optimization efforts to align with user preferences.

3. Engagement Rate:

  • Calculates the percentage of engaged sessions, considering interactions such as page views, events, or other user activities.
  • A higher engagement rate indicates active user involvement, helping businesses gauge the effectiveness of their content and overall user experience.

4. Active Users:

  • Represent the number of unique users who have engaged with the website within a specified time period.
  • Provides a measure of the website's current popularity and helps in identifying trends in user behavior over time.

5. New Users:

  • Quantify the number of first-time visitors to the website.
  • Assist in assessing the success of marketing campaigns, outreach efforts, and the website's ability to attract a growing audience.

6. Engaged Sessions:

  • Count the number of sessions where users actively interact with the content, demonstrating a higher level of engagement.
  • Helps in understanding how well the website captures and maintains user interest, guiding strategies for enhancing overall user satisfaction.

Google Analytics Acquisition and Channels Performance Dashboard

The Google Analytics Acquisition and Channels Performance Dashboard provides valuable insights into how users find and engage with a website. Here's an elaboration on each component:

1. Channel Performance:

  • Categorizes user traffic based on the source through which they access the website, such as organic search, direct, referral, paid search, and social.
  • Helps businesses evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies and allocate resources appropriately to channels that drive the most valuable traffic.

2. Source and Medium:

  • Breaks down the origins of website traffic by specifying the source (e.g. a specific website or search engine) and the medium (e.g. organic, paid, referral).
  • Identify the most significant sources and mediums of traffic allows businesses to optimize marketing campaigns, refine partnerships, and understand the diverse paths users take to reach the website.

3. Landing Pages:

  • Represent the pages where users initially land upon entering the website.
  • Helps businesses evaluate the effectiveness of specific pages in capturing user attention and encourages optimization efforts for better user engagement and conversion.

Google Analytics User Behavior and Site Content Dashboard

The Google Analytics User Behavior and Site Content Dashboard offers in-depth insights into how users interact with the website's content. Here's an elaboration on each component:

1. Engaged Sessions from Sources:

  • Measure the number of sessions where users actively interact with the website's content, originating from specific sources or channels.
  • Helps to understand the effectiveness of various sources in driving engaged user sessions, providing insights into the quality of traffic from different channels.

2. Engagement Rate:

  • Calculates the percentage of engaged sessions, considering user interactions such as page views, events, or other on-site activities.
  • A higher engagement rate indicates a more actively involved audience, offering a qualitative measure of the website's success in capturing and retaining user interest.

3. Active Users from Sources:

  • Represent the number of unique users engaged with the website's content, originating from specific sources or channels.
  • Evaluate the quality and impact of user engagement from different sources, helping tailor marketing strategies to sources that contribute the most active users.

4. Events per Page:

  • Quantify the number of specific interactions or events that occur on each page of the website.
  • Assists in identifying which content elements or features are most engaging, providing guidance for content optimization and user experience enhancements.

Need Some Dashboards?

We specialize in crafting and maintaining automated reporting and data visualization dashboards. Our reports across channels and platforms strategically merge data, revealing trends at each customer touchpoint. Our fully-managed dashboards provide near real-time insights, allowing marketing teams, business owners, and consultants access 24/7.